Monday, September 25, 2017

Life Update from the Evacuee ;)

Hi guys!

So much has happened since my last blog post and I’m still trying to get back to a normal or semi-normal schedule, but I thought I would update you guys a little bit about what’s happening and what’s to come!

After I got back from California is when Irma started really forming out in the Atlantic. I remember relaxing for a couple of days after getting back and watching the news about it. I then heard a few people at work talking about it, but no one really starting preparing until about a week before she hit Florida. All week I was terrified—not scared or nervous, but terrified. I knew I should’ve left as soon as I heard she was going to hit Florida, but everyone was saying how she’d go up the east coast so I tried not to panic. Early in the week I heard the news talk about Hurricane Andrew and how he took an unexpected turn to the west, and after I heard that I had a feeling Irma would do the same. All week my family and I were keeping a close eye on the weather, and on Thursday afternoon I decided I was done waiting so I packed up and started driving. I left Sarasota at 3:00am on Friday morning and stopped just north of Atlanta, GA. A trip that would normally take me about 10-11 hours took me 16-17 hours. Talk about a long day, but I was thankful to be out of Florida because during the day on Friday the tracks had her coming directly up the west coast.

I got home safely, but it was a weird feeling to have. Throughout the years I had heard about hurricanes and watched them make landfall on TV, but to actually be personally affected by one was a little different. I was super thankful that I didn’t have to sit through the weather and I was very thankful that she lost some momentum and that she turned back towards the east a little. Although it was a scary weekend to even watch from the safety of Michigan, I was grateful to have been given some more time to spend with my family, and I also got to travel over to Wisconsin to visit Alex!  After a little over a week of being in the Midwest, I made my way back down here and everything is great! There’s still some cleanup happening, but everyone seems to be in good spirits and getting back to life before the hurricane. This will be my first full week back and I’m looking forward to getting a bit more organized and back on a routine. 

Recently I have been feeling very emotional with everything that’s been happening in our country since last year. It’s truly heartbreaking to read things and watch the news so I myself will be trying to stay as positive as I can and be a light to the world. So I highly encourage anyone reading this to think about the things you say and the things you do on a daily basis that maybe you could change in order to make the world a better place. If we all start there then hopefully we can encourage others to do the same. 

God Bless,

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