Sunday, March 4, 2018

An Overdue Life Update

Oh. My. Lanta. It has been a loooooooong time since I’ve done a blog….oops! They last update I left you guys with was after we got Alfredo! To say life has been a little busy would be an understatement! We have been so busy and now that my season is under way I’m busier than ever, but it has been so much fun!

Alfredo is now about six months old and he’s a crazy little guy. He’s got so much energy and we have no idea where he gets it half the time, but he’s our little man and we’re loving being his puppy parents. Ollie is now a year old and he’s our little snuggle bug! He loves cuddling right up with us and he’s loving having his brother to play with. They love being outside in the Florida sunshine and they love meeting everyone they see!

As for my golf, it’s been tough. I’ve only played in a handful of events and they haven’t gone as well as I would have liked, but I’m staying positive (as always).  Golf is a funny game. I spend countless hours trying to better my game and when the results don’t show that hard work, it can be so frustrating, but the very next week could be the best week of my life. So you never really know when everything will click, and that's why I haven't put a time limit on myself because how could I? If I'm financially able to keep playing then that's what I'm going to do. I love what I get to do and I'm so blessed that I've been able to play professionally. So I'm going to continue to work hard, stay positive, and hope that my life changing week will come soon.

To those that continue to support me, thank you! You don’t understand how much I appreciate the love and support you have shown me throughout my career. I promise to try to do better with updating my blog and my website :)

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