Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Since the class of 2016 has graduated or is about to graduate, I have been reflecting on my college graduation which was 1 year ago, and where I am today. 

It's amazing how fast four years goes by, but it's even harder to believe that I graduated from college 1 year ago already. It was right before my senior year when I decided to play professional golf after I graduated, and it has been one wild ride so far! But one thing that I've been thinking about recently and something that has been affected after I graduated is friends.

I went to the University of Toledo not knowing anyone and counting on my teammates to be my best friends, and not just my best friends for the four years I was there, but to be my best friends for the rest of my life. Let me tell you something that no one told me: it doesn't work like that. I met a lot of great people at Toledo and I had the best teammates a girl could ask for, but when I graduated some of those friendships I thought were so great, didn't last. Don't get me wrong, I love all the girls that I got to be teammates with, I just wasn't prepared to have the cord cut with some of them.

But here's what I have learned: you only need a few good friends who really care about you. Once you have those friends you can trust 100% then hang on tight to them! My roommate down in Florida, Lindsey, has become one of my best friends and we just recently had this conversation about friendships. We both agreed that we were meant to be in each other's lives forever. 

I still struggle with the friendships that had died over the course of this past year, but I know there's room for new friendships to blossom in those empty spaces. God puts people in your life for a reason, some are meant to stay forever and some are just passing by.

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