Wednesday, May 25, 2016


"Pretending can help in so many ways."

So I'll admit it, I like to pretend. It's hard to explain, but inside my head I pretend different scenarios are happening and I play along with them. Sometimes I do it because I'm bored and other times I do it to escape reality. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love living in the moment, but sometimes I need a break; I think we all need a break every once in a while, but instead of laying in bed all day I tend to just pretend.

I read this quote in a book I actually never finished. Now that I think about it, I might have stopped reading the book after I read this quote because it hit me so hard. Do you ever have that happen? You read something or see something or do something that hits you so hard that you have to stop for a second and just let it sit with some weird way it may even change you right then and there. That's what happened to me when I read this quote because I pretend all the time and pretending helps me; it helps me heal, re-focus, and sometimes re-energize me for what may lie ahead.

Life is hard. Sometimes things happen that throw us off the track a little, but how we handle those off road moments makes a difference. I like to pretend something else is happening so that I can escape life, even if just for a moment.

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