Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Walk with me

I have always been told to never allow anyone to get in the way of my dreams (in my mom's advice it was always  to not allow boys to get in my way.) And I believe that to be true in many regards. God has a plan for each and every one of us here on earth. He has known what we were to do before we were born; He knows what will happen to us today before we know.

I think God puts people in our lives for a reason; whether they are meant to stay forever or whether they are just passing by, God puts them in your life for a reason. This is always something I have struggled with, mainly when friends who I thought were going to stay in my life slowly disappeared and no longer talked to me. Most of the time we want to know everything that's going to happen to us when the truth is we know nothing. Only God has that power to know everything...

The real reason I'm writing this is because I've just started a new relationship and it really gets me thinking about the people God brings in and out of my life as well as who is meant to get in my way or who is not. But in reality, the people who are brought into my life now I think are meant to walk with me, not get in my way or stop me. As I get older and experience more in my life, I realize I only need a few good people around me, my team, who is going to do anything and everything to help me follow God's plan for me and help me reach my dreams.