Sunday, January 22, 2017

Here's to a great year

Well, the 2017 season is underway! 

Lindsey and I have traveled to two tournaments and are headed into an off week before we travel for another two weeks! I have to say I am so excited about the way I am hitting the ball! I have been working really hard with my coach and on my own to make that part of my game more solid. With that being said, the strongest part of my game seems to be lacking. Looking over my stats from the last tournament at Zellwood Station Golf Club, I had a lot of putts and didn’t get up and down as often as I should, but not to worry because those will be the main focus during this week.

Although the scores didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted them too for the first two tournaments of the year, this past tournament was a little bit more fun than some of the others because Lindsey and I got to stay with a host family, and believe me when I tell you that it’s way better staying with people than staying in a hotel! It’s just nice to come home and talk to someone about golf, but then talk about other things; not to mention a home cooked meal! During the week we also learned how to play a few new games that were a nice distraction from the actual reason we were there. Sometimes this lifestyle isn’t always easy and it’s always nice to do something else to take your mind away from the game, even if it’s just for an hour. So a huge thank you to the Pruim’s who housed us and entertained us for the week :)

I have to say that I have gained some more confidence with my game due to the fact that my ball striking has gotten better. Anyone who has known me during my college career knows how much I struggled with that part of my game so to see it improve is really exciting!

I know my posts about golf aren’t always the most exciting, but I like to think that there’s someone out there who’s curious and interested and if not that’s okay too. I know there’s a lot happening in our country right now, and it breaks my heart to see so many people angry and full of hate. So maybe reading about my golf is a nice distraction :)

Next tournament: January 30- February 1, Daytona Beach, LPGA International

Love each other.