Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Living Life

Whoops! (insert see no evil monkey emoji) It has been nearly a month since my last blog, yikes! Life has just been crazy busy lately and honestly I just haven’t set aside the time to do some of my favorite things such as blogging :)

There’s nothing really urgent to update everyone on so I’ll just give an update about my life! As far as golf goes I have completed the winter series on the NWGA tour and I had a fantastic time just as I did last winter! The tournaments are always run really well and are always a blast to play in! My dad and I were talking about my improvements so I decided to find out my scoring average from last year and compare it to this year and the difference made me really excited. Last year I averaged 79, compared to my average this year which is 75…that’s four strokes people! Those averages are only from the tournaments I played in between January-May of the last two years because my scoring average for 2016 actually was 77, but I was still so happy!  I am very excited to see what the summer holds for me and my golf game! And speaking of summer I am putting my schedule together and will share that on my website very soon so stay tuned!

Continuing on the topic of summer I will be going home to Michigan for the month of June to play in a few tournaments before I come back down to Florida. Time just seems to be flying by and I’m unsure if I want it to slow down or continue. It’s hard to believe June is almost upon us. I mean I just celebrated my 24th birthday last Monday! I can’t believe I’m already that old! (I know it’s actually not that old, but there was always a comfort in telling people I was only 23). All I know is that I need to start cherishing every moment of every day whether I’m with family and friends or I am alone because one thing is for sure—we never know how many more days we’ll have to cherish.

But everything else in my life has been pretty good, and in reality I have nothing to complain about! I got to visit my boyfriend last week (he lives in Wisconsin) and I love our visits, but hate leaving him. Long distance can be so tough, but I simply try to stay positive and enjoy this time of growing as a couple together. (Maybe I’ll write a post about long distance in the near future??)

I am so thankful for the life I live and I know God has blessed me so much, and I just want to continue to grow into the woman He wants me to be.

I’ll try to be better about blogging :) Thank you to everyone who reads these small updates. You’re support really does mean the world to me!

Xo, Jen