Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Savior

Hey ya’ll :) 

Living in Florida I realize I say the word ya’ll a lot more which isn’t necessarily a bad thing! I actually like saying it, makes me feel a little southern! ;) Anyways, I was doing my Bible study this morning and then I was looking around my emails and decided to check out my blog, and realized I haven’t written in a while. Luckily I was pretty inspired by today’s chapter so here I am typing away.

I am a part of an online Bible study community called Good Morning Girls. Throughout the year we read through books in the Bible one chapter a day and then within my group we email everyday about what we read. It’s a fun way to get into God’s word and read what everyone else thought about the chapter. We pray for each other too and share our lives which is always fun! Most of us are in different states and some even in different countries so it’s cool knowing that I have sisters in Christ all across the nation and world! Yesterday we began the Gospel of Luke (one of my favs!) so today we read chapter 2. The verse that stuck out most to me was Luke 2:11, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Jesus is born! Our Savior has entered the world and will one day die for our sins! I think it’s so amazing to read that verse knowing how much Jesus has done for me. This verse was spoken by the angel of the Lord who appeared to the shepherds and told them about this child, and it got me thinking about how amazing that moment must have been for those shepherds who were out in the fields tending to their flocks. It probably seemed like a normal day before this angel appears to tell them about a Savior who was just born! It’s hard to imagine, but cool to think about.

On that day when Christ was born, those shepherds got to see Him. They got to be a part of such a special day, one they would never forget. One of the discussion questions for today’s chapter is “When did Jesus become your personal Savior?” I love this question. Like the shepherds who went to see Jesus, we as Christ followers also have a day that we can say we “saw” Jesus. Today was the first day I wrote out my testimony on paper and I’m going to put it in my Bible. It’s amazing to relive that day and see how far I’ve come with Jesus by my side and as my guiding light.

So maybe today you should answer the question, “When did Jesus become your personal Savior?” and maybe you should write down your testimony and surrender yourself, again, to your Savior.

I hope you have a blessed day!
Xoxo, Jen

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